National Master, Gunnar Andersen

Gunnar Andersen comes to UMBC as an undergrad student, pursuing a computer science degree.

Gunnar was the Colorado State Champion in 2017-2020, before that he was the Colorado High School State Champion in 2013-2016.  Additionally he won the Florida State Quick Championship in 2021.

After graduation, Gunnar would like to return to working in the software development field, having previously completed a programming bootcamp in 2019.  He is excited about combining his knowledge from this experience with the knowledge, skills, and experiences he will gather as part of his program in computer science at UMBC.

In his own words, “My favorite thing about UMBC is the education that I am receiving.  I did not previously finish college and I haven’t been in any form of educational program since 2019. I think now that I am a bit older, I have a different perspective about school- I don’t feel the need to constantly prove myself, I am along for the journey and I find that I am doing better academically now that I am coming from a place of trying to get a true comprehension of the material, rather than for the single purpose of getting a grade.”